Concussion Series Tracking Grid – Motion Guidance

Concussion Series Tracking Grid

Sale price Price $86.00 Regular price

Our Concussion Series Tracking Grid is designed to assess specific deficits that are involved in Concussion Syndrome, as well as offer concussion exercises based on these deficits.

When you purchase the tracking grid, the link to the 15 minute tutorial will be in your order confirmation screen.

In the video module that accompanies this flag, you will learn how to use the flag along with the MotionGuidance® system (Either our Clinician Kit or Head/Trunk Patient Pack) to work on eight key assessments:

Fukuda Test, VOR, XO Viewing, Smooth Pursuit, Joint Positional Sense, Saccades and Near Point Convergence.

All of these tests can also be turned into a simple training drill, where the user can practice at home or in clinic the assessment tests (especially the ones that reproduce symptoms).

As with all MotionGuidance® education and product information, it is recommended you consult a health care professional to decide what exercise is appropriate and best for your given condition.